Jamie has struggled with substance abuse and has been homeless for the last few years. He recently enrolled in GOALS, attended the BRIDGES class where he graduated and begins employment next week. Jamie has plans to continue his education and find employment in a faith based organization.

When Daniel’s wife was diagnosed with cancer and he lost his job because of budget cuts, his family was forced to live separately, where Daniel lives at a homeless shelter and his wife and kids in another. Daniel stated that he never thought he would be homeless for 6 months. After enrolling in GOALS, Daniel attended the BRIDGES class and graduated and now has full-time work at a job he loves. His long-term goal is for his family to be all together under the same roof and to have a vehicle. He’s one step closer.

Brad moved to Kansas because of a promising job opportunity. After arriving he was laid off because of budget cuts. Brad losing all hope, started to find himself lacking motivation and was unable to move forward in life. New to southeast Kansas, he had no idea how to navigate his way to find employment. After enrolling in GOALS, he attended the BRIDGES class and little by little gained his hope and confidence back. Two weeks before graduation he found employment. Brads long term goal is to continue his education and in the next two years be an elementary school teacher.

Chris struggled to obtain employment because He lacked confidence and job seeking skills. Since going through the BRIDGES class, he is more confident in his job search, interviews, and has promising job opportunities as he is in conversation with an employer. Chris’s long term goal is to work in construction. The GOALS program has impacted Chris in such a way that his son is interested in enrolling in the program.