by Cara Combs | Mar 5, 2019
“The GOALS participants were eager to learn. They wanted to go out and get a job. Every one of them finished and passed the class. Two of the participants completed the OSHA and forklift training, and both of them got jobs within weeks of finishing.” Davis Oehme...
by Cara Combs | Mar 5, 2019
“I’ve seen it in the GOALS program for sure — people who lack some confidence and just need quality training. Getting them into the manufacturing facility so they are not intimidated that first time, giving them the opportunity to build a resume, apply on line, coach...
by Cara Combs | Mar 5, 2019
“We want to make sure work like this continues in the state. There is a group of people out there who just need some encouragement and a chance to break this cycle in their lives. Program like GOALS, with wraparound services, can really make a difference. It’s a...
by Cara Combs | Mar 5, 2019
“From the very beginning, I knew that this was going to be a good program. This kind of a program reinforces the need for collaboration across the entire community, to help people get the skills they need find jobs and keep those jobs.” Patrick Yancy Chief Executive...