Lorelei was randomly assigned to the GOALS program in the southwest region in February, 2016. She had spent the last eight years working as a special education paraprofessional. She enjoyed her job, but it just didn’t pay enough to support her family. When school was out of session in the summer, Lorelei found herself struggling to make ends meet, and was forced to find multiple part time jobs just to get by. With the help of her Career Navigator, Lorelei completed assessments, polished up her resume, and worked on her interviewing skills. In April, 2016, Lorelei became employed at a local hospital. She is now working full-time at a living wage with benefits, including paid vacation and sick leave. She also has an opportunity to advance within the company and is planning on taking classes to become a Surgical Assistant/Technician, for which the which the hospital will pay. She has received her full 90 days of retention assistance, and her case has now closed and is deemed a success. Lorelei is very appreciative of the help she received from the GOALS program.