Ruth had been living for the past six years on just her social security income, which was proving not to be enough. She realized that she would need to seek employment in order to supplement her income. Ruth was introduced to the GOALS program in June, and she knew that the program would help her find just the right the job. Her Career Navigator helped her complete assessments, work on interview skills and create a resume. Ruth thought that she would love to work part-time at a craft store because she loved to sew and do crafts. The Employer Liaison and Career Navigator set out to help her apply for positions. Unfortunately finding employment at craft stores was proving to be very difficult, as none of them were hiring. Ruth did not get discouraged, instead she decided to participate in the very first Partners 4 Success program in Southwest Kansas, funded by GOALS. Ruth graduated from that class with a whole new lookout and quickly found part-time employment. Ruth is working approximately 20 hours a week, which she says is perfect for her. She is earning over $10 an hour, a good supplement to her social security income. Ruth says she loves her job because she gets to interact with customers, and her supervisor says she is very impressed with Ruth. She is currently receiving retention services from the Employer Liaison to help with the transition.