Maricela was randomly assigned to GOALS in January 2018. She was very nervous during her first appointment and reported that she had gotten lost on her way to Wichita DCF and was unsure if she would make it to future appointments. She did not know how to read and write, but showed a willingness to learn. She and her Career Navigator worked on a plan to continue to attend her GOALS appointments, create a resume, and prepare for job interviews.

Maricela’s Career Navigator referred her to Dress for Success where she obtained the interview outfit (see image). Maricela attended the GOALS in-house interview skills session and made use of supportive services for additional interview clothing and comfortable interview shoes. The GOALS Employer Liaison helped connect Maricela with a position at a local company looking for a “superstar”. Maricela interviewed in April, and while attending an Understanding Credit session hosted by the GOALS program, she received a call from HR offering her employment. At the end of the call Ms. Maricela started crying and said “I have been waiting for this for a long time and I’m very thankful for GOALS assistance.” The GOALS program commends Maricela for taking a risk, getting out of her comfort zone, and reaching her employment goals.

Update on Maricela from her employer:

“Good morning! Happy Friday! Just wanted to share some good news to wrap up your week. Maricela came to [our company] with no manufacturing background and was recruited in at the most basic wage. She has been here two months and just received a promotion to a simple machine operator a $1.25 raise. She has done a wonderful job hitting the ground running with her initiative and willingness to learn. Success! Have a great weekend.”