This is the story of Ronnie, in his own words: My name is Ronnie and I am in the GOALS program at the Department for Children and Families. The program is designed to build and accentuate a person’s qualifying skills and tools to successfully enter the workplace. Before detailing the particulars of this program, it would not be fair to not speak briefly about my journey which eventually lead me to this remarkable program and the people associated with it.

In 1981, I found myself heading to prison for life (life sentence for first degree murder conviction). The unfortunate circumstances surrounding my eventual incarceration was the result of a wrongful conviction for the crime of murder. I served more than 30 years before I received the blessing and grace of freedom. The blessing which led to my freedom came by way of Washburn University, a class for wrongful convictions was being conducted. Rebecca Woodman was the law Professor and Ron Sylvester was the Wichita Eagle journalist responsible for bringing light to my case. Because of their tireless and hard work, I was eventually able to receive the grace of freedom.

In August of 2017, while waiting to catch a bus at Wichita transit center, I was told about the existence of the GOALS program. The best decision I made after being freed was contacting the program and becoming a participant. The counselors involved with this program makes it their zealous journey to help, assist, and enhance a person’s life. The program instills tools from grammar to appearance while developing other areas in a person’s life to give each person self-esteem and purpose.

I successfully completed the BRIDGES class. This class instills tools from grammar to appearance while developing other areas in a person’s life to give each person self-esteem and purpose. It has been and still is my experience that the GOALS program represented and validated itself to be a program that exercises every available option, to allow a person the opportunity to reach his\her goal. The program places emphasis on self-empowerment. Specifically, The GOALS program will not close its doors to a person with a not so bright background, handicap, disability, or mental deficiency. In fact, when a person makes the choice to better themselves the GOALS program provides the avenues to reach that goal. Participation is required and the personnel connected to this program makes sure that a person is pointed in the right direction and always with a positive push. I cannot stress enough about the importance of making sure that the funding is available to keep this program functional.

As a participant in the GOALS program there was never a time or situation where I was unable to move forward. The program practices a practical approach while assisting persons to reach their goals. Patience is the first virtue a person will experience when being a member of the GOALS program. The second virtue is empathy, each counselor practices empathy towards an individual’s struggle or obstacles blocking a path. Finally, the third virtue experienced is that of compassion. Each counselor relies upon their inner strength, knowledge and expertise to place persons in the right situation to succeed. The program is, in my opinion a cornerstone in society that provides hope and positive results. I was introduced to the existence of this program via a former participant who gave strong positive review, which caused me to become a participant.

Now before I close my comments, it must be stressed that the GOALS program is not a hand out; it is ”a hand up”. Make no mistake a person will earn what they get and a person will be required to put forth the effort and not half an effort. The program does not coddle nor does it enable, it creates, inspires, and stimulates what we already had and just did not know how to use it. I am still in the GOALS program and I am honored to be a participant. Provide me with a stage and the opportunity and when I am finished, I guarantee that those of you desiring to reach your goals, and succeed, will with honor participate in the GOALS program. Come join us and find success.